Исторически преглед
Издание на Института за исторически изследвания при БАН
Diplomatic Missions between the Ottoman and the Habsburg Courts before and after the Long Turkish War (1593–1606)
Дипломатически мисии между Османския и Хабсбургския двор преди и след Дългата турска война (1593–1606)
Исторически преглед, 80 (2024) No. 3, pp. 53-76 (ISSN 0323-9748)
Aneliya Stoyanova / Анелия Стоянова
Institute for Historical Studies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Abstract: Diplomatic missions between the Ottoman and Habsburg courts represent a significant phenomenon of the Early Modern period. During the second half of the 16th century, the number of embassies between these courts increased noticeably. This study examines the development of bilateral diplomatic relations between Vienna and Constantinople before and after the Long Turkish War (1593–1606) within the context of emerging diplomatic practices at the pan-European level. The end of the war maintained the territorial status quo but brought about changes in diplomatic practices. The organization of specific missions and the attitude of the hosting court held significant symbolic meaning, turning ceremonial practices into a competitive arena, much like the military front. The role of diplomats extended beyond negotiating peace; it also involved representing that peace through symbolic and ritualistic means. This culminated in the lavish and elaborate grand embassies of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, highlighting the intricate interplay between diplomacy and ceremonial representation.
Keywords: early modern diplomacy, Habsburg-Ottoman relations, diplomatic missions and espionage, grand embassies.
The fulltext of this article can be purchased on CEEOL: https://www.ceeol.com/search/journal-detail?id=242.