Исторически преглед
Издание на Института за исторически изследвания при БАН
The Economic Form of the Balkan City According to the Geographical Work of Al-Idrisi (12th Century)
Стопанският облик на балканския град според географския труд на ал-Идриси (ХII век)
Исторически преглед, 81 (2025) No. 1, pp. 23-34 (ISSN 0323-9748)
Stoyanka Kenderova / Стоянка Кендерова
Department of Oriental Studies “Cyril and Methodius” National Library
Abstract: The work of the Arab geographer Abu Abd Allah ibn Muhammad al-Idrisi (d. 1165), titled “Entertainment of the Longing to Traverse the Countries” (Nuzhat al-Mushtaq), was created under the patronage of the Norman King Roger II (1130–1154) and completed in 1153 in Palermo. The text reflects or mentions a total of 184 Balkan settlements, described with varying levels of detail. The information was gathered from sailors, merchants, travelers, Arabs in Roger II’s army operating in the Balkans, Crusaders returning from the Holy Land via Sicily, and other sources. In describing these settlements, Al-Idrisi follows a structured approach: the settlements are situated along main trade and military routes or their branches, with details on their size and the distances between them. The descriptions provide a vivid depiction of cultivated fields, vineyards, orchards, and bustling markets, presenting a comprehensive view of the economic and social life in the region.
Keywords: al-Idrisi, Sicily, The Balkans, Balkan city, Normans.
The fulltext of this article can be purchased on CEEOL: https://www.ceeol.com/search/journal-detail?id=242.