Istoricheski Pregled (Historical Review)
Edition of the Institute for Historical Studies at the BAS
The journal Istoricheski Pregled (Historical Review) publishes research articles, review essays, and book reviews in the field of historical studies. The journal only considers manuscripts that are submitted exclusively to it. When submitting a manuscript, the author acknowledges that the text has not been published or sent for publication elsewhere. The author agrees to abide by the tenets of the Journal’s Guidelines and Ethical Code.
A submitted manuscript that does not correspond to the Journal’s academic scope will be returned without undergoing a double-blind anonymous peer review. Likewise, manuscripts not formatted in accordance with the Journal’s Editorial Guidelines will be returned for revisions.
A standard and compatible text processing software (e.g., Microsoft Word) must be used to format the manuscript. Enclosures, such as figures, graphs, tables or illustrations must be readable and easy to edit with standard applications.
The journal discourages: references to sources and literature not relevant to the proposed text, including references in the bibliography not cited in the article’s text; and literature not used throughout the article in the bibliography; and self-citations except those necessary to the argument.
The manuscripts should be submitted as e-mail attachments to the following e-mail address: ipregled@ihist.bas.bg
The file’s title/name shall contain the name of the author and the initial words of the manuscript’s title.
The text should be typed in 12 pt Times New Roman font.
(1) The manuscript should be written in Bulgarian with an abstract in Bulgarian and English as indicted below in two versions - one for the editorial board, including all the data about the author mentioned in (3), and another fully anonymised version, which will be read by the reviewers. In the anonymised version, potentially revealing author citations should be deleted, and where this is not possible because it would prejudice the literature review, references to the author's own previous publications should be presented in such a way that the author of the submitted article is in no way apparent.
(2) Recommended manuscript size:
- for a research article, study or review, including with the abstract, notes, tables, images, author’s institutional affiliation, acknowledgments – up to 63,000 characters (with spaces).
- for a book review or report – up to 12,000 characters (with spaces).
(3) Manuscripts should be structured as follows:
- title of the paper; followed by: names of the authors with their scientific degree, academic position and affiliation; abstract reflecting the study in a concise manner, focusing on the novelty and results; 3 to 6 keywords; full text; acknowledgments (e.g., name of the project or the funding agency); appendices (if any); references; title of the paper, abstract and keywords in English; full business card of the author(s) – academic position, affiliation, ORCID, e-mail address, postal address – in English.
(4) The abstract (up to 900 characters with spaces) should be written in Bulgarian and enclosed in a separate file containing the author’s name.
(5) Figures (illustrations), tables and their captions should be presented simultaneously in the text as well as in a separate additional file. By exception, if the volume of a figure is not suitable for inserting, its position should be indicated in the text clearly, e.g. Fig. 1, Fig. 2, etc.
(6) References in the text and in the bibliography (at the end of the text) are in accordance with BDS ISO 690-2021 standard (Harvard System).
(7) Footnotes
The Footnotes are numbered with Arabic numerals in ascending order. They should be entered automatically via References/Footnotes/Continuous in MS Word in Times New Roman 10 pt font.
Footnotes include cited archival sources, newspapers and magazines, published sources (according to the attached model below), as well as additional notes on the content of the main text.
Archival document:
НБКМ–БИА, ф. 1, оп. 2, а.е. 7, л. 108–109.
Newspaper article:
ЛАЗАРОВ, Н. По жилищния въпрос и разрешаването му. Камбана. 10.11.1918. ХI.(3307, 3308, 3310).
Documentary collection:
МИЯТЕВ, П. (съст.). Из архива на Константин Иречек. Писма с българи. Т. 2. София: Издателство на Българската академия на науките, 1959, док. 38, с. 111.
(8) The cited literature should be presented in the List of References at the end of the manuscript – in original and transliterated form (when the tittle is in Cyrillic), according to the Bulgarian transliteration rules: https://www.lex.bg/laws/ldoc/2135623667. If the cited work has an already published title in English (regardless of the language in which it was written), then instead of the transliterated title, the author indicates the official title translated into English.
Journal article:
Name of the author; year of issue; title of the paper; name of the journal (Italic); volume (bold); issue (in parentheses); pages (by numbers separated by a long dash).
If the article is in Cyrillic, in the List of References at the end of the manuscript are made two similar entries – in Latin and in Cyrillic.
NIKOV, P., 1994. Zadachata na dneshnata bulgarska istoriografia. Minalo–The Past. 1(1), 74–77, [In Bulgarian]. (НИКОВ, П., 1994. Задачата на днешната българска историография. Минало. 1(1), 74–77).
It is quoted in the main text: (NIKOV 1994), and when indicating specific page numbers: (NIKOV 1994,74).
Article in e-journal:
The source of the text (easily accessible web address or DOI number) should be placed at the end.
BOYLE, K. & ROXBURGH, E., 2022. The Impact of the Great War on Scottish Christianity. Religions [online]. 13(6) 499 [viewed 17 May 2022]. Available from: https://www.mdpi.com/2077-1444/13/6; https://doi.org/10.3390/rel13060499 (registering DOI)
Please note that:
- Scientific journals are cited with transliteration and English translation. Journal Исторически преглед cited Istoricheski pregled - Historical Review.
- When quoting a journal, both – the annual volume and the number of the journal in which the cited article was published, must be indicated.
- When there are more than two authors of an article, it is permissible to describe them in the list of sources in a compact form, using the abbreviation, et al., as follows:
GUGUSHVILI, A.; KABACHNIK, P. & KIRVALIDZE, A., 2017. Collective memory and reputational politics of national heroes and villains. Nationalities Papers. 45(3), 464–484.
or as:
GUGUSHVILI, A., et al. 2017. Collective memory and reputational politics of national heroes and villains. Nationalities Papers. 45(3), 464–484.
It is quoted in the main text: (GUGUSHVILI, KABACHNIK & KIRVALIDZE 2017) or as: (GUGUSHVILI et al. 2017) – according to the style chosen in the List of References.
The title of the book is in Italic. The name of the city and the publisher shall also be indicated.
Books published in Cyrillic are presented as follows:
EVSTATIEV, S., 2018. Salafizmut v Blizkiya iztok i granitsite na vyarata. Sofia: Iztok-Zapad [In Bulgarian]. (ЕВСТАТИЕВ, С., 2018. Салафизмът в Близкия изток и границите на вярата. София: Изток-Запад).
It is quoted in the main text: (EVSTATIEV 2018), when specifying pages: (EVSTATIEV 2018, 35).
Edited books and volumes:
NYAGULOV, В., 2021. Ot Balkanite do Andite i obratno: Balgarskata diaspora v Latinska Amerika po vreme na Studenata voyna. In: PEJKOVSKA, P. et al. (ed.). Migratsii, obshtnosti i kulturno-istorichesko nasledstvo. Sofia: Izdatelstvo na BAN „Prof. Marin Drinov“, 406–478 [In Bulgarian]. (НЯГУЛОВ, Б., 2021. От Балканите до Андите и обратно: Българската диаспора в Латинска Америка по време на Студената война. В: ПЕЙКОВСКА, П. et al. (съст.). Миграции, общности и културно-историческо наследство. София: Издателство на БАН „Проф. Марин Дринов“, 406–478).
It is quoted in the main text: (NYAGULOV 2021), when specifying pages: (NYAGULOV 2021, 407)
BERLIN, I. 1972. Nationalism, Past Neglect and Present Power. In: H. HARDY (ed.). Against the Current. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Unpublished dissertations:
HALE, E., 2003. A quantitative and qualitative evaluation of the National Endowment for Democracy. Doctoral dissertation. Louisiana State University, Department of political science.